Annual reports

    Annual reports

    Annual reports contain an in-depth information on the most important aspects of public debt management in Poland including its macroeconomic background, historic evolution and comparison with the other European countries.

    Year Annual Report Annex to Annual Report
    2017  6.9 MB  1.2 MB
    2016  20.3 MB  1.1 MB
    2015  9.1 MB  1.1 MB
    2014  12.9 MB  1.1 MB
    2013  6.3 MB  1.1 MB
    2012  5.3 MB  1.1 MB
    2011  8.3 MB  1.7 MB
    2010 10.9 MB  1.2 MB
    2009  7.2 MB  0.3 MB
    2008  1.6 MB  0.5 MB
    2007  3.5 MB  1.0 MB
    2006  2.8 MB  0.3 MB
    2005  1.1 MB  0.4 MB
    2004  1.4 MB  0.4 MB
    2003  1.7 MB  0.3 MB
    2002  0.9 MB  0.4 MB
    2001  1.2 MB  0.2 MB
    2000  0.7 MB -
    1999  0.6 MB -


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