Basic information - Retail bonds

    Basic information - Retail bonds

    The retail bonds offered by The Ministry of Finance first of all are dedicated for the individual investor (resident and non-resident)  but it could have been purchased also by associations, foundations and another social organisations. The main objective of the retail instruments is co-financing of the borrowing needs of the State budget.

    The retail bonds are offered in the retail network, organised by the issue agent - PKO Bank Polski S.A.
    Currently, The Ministry of Finance offered the following instruments to individual investors:

    - 3-month fixed rate savings bonds (OTS series),
    - 2-year fixed rate savings bonds (DOS series),
    - 3-year floating rate savings bonds (TOZ series),
    - 4-year inflation rate indexed savings bonds (COI series),
    - 10-year inflation rate indexed savings bonds (EDO series).

    The face value of Treasury bonds offered to individuals is PLN 100.

    Those instruments are not listed on the regulated secondary market i.e., the Stock Exchange in Warsaw but they may be offered to the issuer for redemption before their maturity date.

    Sale of each series lasts for one month.

    Interests on 3-month OTS are put at the investor's disposal at the redemption date. Interests on DOS, EDO accrue annually and are put at the investor's disposal at the redemption date (or pre-maturity redemption), in case of COI series is paid annually. 3-year TOZ bonds give their holder a yield in a form of a coupon paid every 6 months, interest rate for particular coupon period changes and depends 6M WIBOR.

    Basic characteristic of retail TS is presented in the table below.

      Retail bonds
    Issue type Issued in a dematerialized form and deposited as magnetic entries (bearer form)
    Face value 100 PLN
    Maturity From 3 months to 10 years
    Sale network by the issue agent - PKO BP S.A.
    Turnover regulations Resident and non-resident individuals, associations, foundations and another social organisations.
    Secondary market non trading - early redemption


    How to buy?
    IInformation about: where and how the retail bonds are sold.

    Current offer
    Information on the currently offered the following instruments to individual investors.

    Sale results
    Information on the results of the retail Treasury securities sale.

    Transactions database
    The files contain results of Treasury securities - offer, sale, issue and exchange price,calculate the debt outstanding value for a given date and contain comprehensive support modules.Thanks to the "Autofilter" function these files lets you sort & group data easily.


    Useful files
    The files contein coupon rates of all the retail bonds, offered by The Ministry of Finance.

    Letters of issue
    Detailed conditions of a particular TS issue i.e.: maturity date, type of coupon, maximum value of the issue and its currency are determined in the Letters of Issue published by the Minister of Finance.
    Announcement of the Letter of Issue to the public on the Ministry of Finance Internet web site constitutes the condition under which the issue is effective.
    The application allows to search Letters of Issue of TS (polish version only).


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