Basic information - secondary market

    Basic information - secondary market

    Trading on the secondary market for Treasury securities is performed on the markets: non-regulated OTC market, the Treasury BondSpot Poland electronic platform and on regulated markets of Warsaw Stock Exchange and BondSpot S.A, (T-bonds only).

     Secondary market statistics    Structure of investors
    Secondary market statistics includes data on value of transactions on domestically issued Treasury securities by types of transactions (i.e. outright, repo and buy-sell back) and by types of markets (T-bonds only) as well as by marketable T-bonds issues.  

    Structure of investors presents the tables including the nominal outstanding of domestically issued Treasury securities by holders, institutional and geographical distribution of non-residents holdings as well as daily data on non-residents T-bonds and T-bills holdings. Additionally, the attached files: portfele_po_seriach.xls and portfele_nierezydentów_po_seriach.xls include monthly time series on the T-bonds nominal outstanding by issues.






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