Secondary market statistics

    Secondary market statistics

    The value of transactions in the Treasury bonds secondary market decreased by 16.5% m/m to PLN 925.1bn in November. The trading focused on the non-regulated OTC market (95.6%). The share of the electronic platform TBS Poland in total turnover amounted to 4.4%, while the share of trading at WSE amounted to 0.004%.

    Value of transaction on the secondary market for Treasury bonds

    Value of transactions on the secondary market for Treasury bonds denominated in PLN in November 2018 (M PLN)
      OTC market Treasury BondSpot Poland WSE Total
    T-bonds 884 673,26 40 405,00 36,03 925 114,29

    Source: National Depository for Securities (KDPW), WSE. Data from KDPW are presented according to the date of the settlement, while data from WSE are presented according to the date of conclusion of a transaction.

    Historical data are available in the file transakcje_po_typach_rynków.xlsx
    Last update - 31.12.2018

    Value of transactions on the secondary market for Treasury securities denominated in PLN in November 2018 (M PLN)
      Outright Sell-buy-back Repo Total
    T-bonds 250 683,37 552 591,27 122 128,25 925 402,89
    T-bills 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
    Total 250 683,37 552 591,27 122 128,25 925 402,89

    Source: National Depository for Securities (KDPW).

    Data are presented by settlement date.

    Historical data are available in the file transakcje.xlsm
    Last update - 31.12.2018

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