Structure of investors

    Structure of investors

    In November, domestic TS debt increased by PLN 0.6bn to PLN 646.2bn, which was the result of an increase in debt to domestic banks by PLN 0.7bn (to PLN 263.6bn) and a decrease in debt to foreign investors by PLN 0.1bn (to PLN 192.2bn). Indebtedness to the domestic non-bank investors, however, did not change compared to the previous month and amounted to PLN 190.5bn. As a result at the end of November, the share of banks in domestic TS debt increased to 40.8% compared to the previous month (40.7%), and the share of non-residents decreased to 29.7% (29.8%). The share of domestic non-bank investors did not change and amounted to 29.5%.

    Structure of investors in TS debt issued domesticaly

    (A) The face value of Treasury Securities used as collateral of state budget deposits in commercial banks is presented in "Ministry of Finance" subcategory (within "Others" category) and thus is deducted from the banking sector category.

      Nominal T-bonds and T-bills outstanding at the end of November 2018 (PLN million)
    T-bonds T-Bills Total
    Banks 263 576,06 0,00 263 576,06
    Foreign investors* 192 196,31 0,00 192 196,31
    Insurance funds 63 049,93 0,00 63 049,93
    Pension funds 2 168,53 0,00 2 168,53
    Investment funds 58 220,94 0,00 58 220,94
    Individuals 19 706,55 0,00 19 706,55
    Non-financial sector 1 235,57 0,00 1 235,57
    Others Total 46 074,25 0,00 46 074,25
    Including MoF 0,00 0,00 0,00
    Total 646 228,12 0,00 646 228,12

    (B) The face value of Treasury Securities used as collateral of state budget deposits in commercial banks was retained within "Banks" category and thus is not presented in "Others" category.

      Nominal T-bonds and T-bills outstanding at the end of November 2018 (PLN million)
    T-bonds T-Bills Total
    Banks Total 263 576,06 0,00 263 576,06
    Including MoF 0,00 0,00 0,00
    Foreign investors* 192 196,31 0,00 192 196,31
    Insurance funds 63 049,93 0,00 63 049,93
    Pension funds 2 168,53 0,00 2 168,53
    Investment funds 58 220,94 0,00 58 220,94
    Individuals 19 706,55 0,00 19 706,55
    Non-financial sector 1 235,57 0,00 1 235,57
    Others 46 074,25 0,00 46 074,25
    Total 646 228,12 0,00 646 228,12

    * The face value of Treasury securities located on Omnibus accounts (new form of register of securities designed for non-residents) at the end of the month is included in "Foreign investors" category.

    Historical data are available in the file portfele.xls
    Last update - 31.12.2018 r.

    Detailed information on institutional and geographical distribution of non-residents holdings is available in the following tables and in the attached files: Struktura_nierezydentów.xlsm, Nierezydenci_kraje.xlsx, Portfele_nierezydentów_po_seriach.xls. Additionally, a new category "omnibus accounts" was distinguished among foreign entities due to the fact that there is no possibility to identify investors entitled to securities registered on these accounts.

    Institutional distribution of non-residents holdings in Treasury securities issued on the local market at the end of November 2018

      Institutional distribution of non-residents holdings in Treasury securities issued on the local market at the end of November 2018 (PLN million)
    T-bonds T-Bills Total
    Banks 5 706,59 0,00 5 706,59
    Central banks 38 636,04 0,00 38 636,04
    Public institutions 3 725,58 0,00 3 725,58
    Insurance funds 10 043,32 0,00 10 043,32
    Pension funds 13 481,05 0,00 13 481,05
    Investment funds 30 995,05 0,00 30 995,05
    Hedge funds 2 415,30 0,00 2 415,30
    Individuals 58,44 0,00 58,44
    Non-financial entities 8 587,87 0,00 8 587,87
    Others 28 207,62 0,00 28 207,62
    Total 141 856,85 0,00 141 856,85
    Omnibus accounts** 50 339,46 0,00 50 339,46
    Non-residents total 192 196,31 0,00 192 196,31

    Geographical distribution of non-residents holdings in Treasury securities issued on the local market at the end of November 2018

      Geographical distribution of non-residents holdings in Treasury securities issued on the local market at the end of November 2018 (PLN million)
    T-bonds T-Bills Total
    Europe - eurozone 39 772,08 0,00 39 772,08
    Europe - EU non-eurozone 9 726,22 0,00 9 726,22
    Europe - non-EU 4 912,19 0,00 4 912,19
    Africa 48,37 0,00 48,37
    South America (incl. Caribbean) 1 051,15 0,00 1 051,15
    North America 12 786,34 0,00 12 786,34
    Australia and Oceania 1 904,88 0,00 1 904,88
    Asia (excl. Middle East) 66 304,32 0,00 66 304,32
    Middle East 5 351,29 0,00 5 351,29
    Total 141 856,85 0,00 141 856,85
    Omnibus accounts** 50 339,46 0,00 50 339,46
    Non-residents total 192 196,31 0,00 192 196,31

    ** Omnibus accounts – accounts run by direct participants of the National Depository (KDPW) who are not holders of securities registered on these accounts. Introduction of omnibus accounts facilitated foreign investors access to Polish Treasury securities market. Due to the previous regulations holding separate account dedicated for operations on Polish market was required which formed cost and organizational barrier.

    Geographical distribution of central banks holdings in Treasury securities issued on the local market at the end of November 2018

      Geographical distribution of central banks holdings in Treasury securities issued on the local market at the end of November 2018 (PLN million)
    T-bonds T-Bills Total
    Europe - eurozone 18,70 0,00 18,70
    Europe - EU non-eurozone 0,00 0,00 0,00
    Europe - non-EU 0,00 0,00 0,00
    Africa 27,76 0,00 27,76
    South America (incl. Caribbean) 50,00 0,00 50,00
    North America 0,00 0,00 0,00
    Australia and Oceania 0,00 0,00 0,00
    Asia (excl. Middle East) 36 533,42 0,00 36 533,42
    Middle East 2 006,15 0,00 2 006,15
    Total 38 636,04 0,00 38 636,04

    Non-residents holdings in marketable T-bonds and T-bills

    Day Non-residents holdings in marketable T-bonds and T-bills* (PLN million)
    T-bonds T-Bills Total
    02.11.2018 192 437,74 0,00 192 437,74
    05.11.2018 192 521,25 0,00 192 521,25
    06.11.2018 193 615,22 0,00 193 615,22
    07.11.2018 193 354,39 0,00 193 354,39
    08.11.2018 192 495,28 0,00 192 495,28
    09.11.2018 192 861,23 0,00 192 861,23
    12.11.2018 192 487,93 0,00 192 487,93
    13.11.2018 191 363,17 0,00 191 363,17
    14.11.2018 193 578,33 0,00 193 578,33
    15.11.2018 193 707,33 0,00 193 707,33
    16.11.2018 191 642,63 0,00 191 642,63
    19.11.2018 191 747,88 0,00 191 747,88
    20.11.2018 190 908,80 0,00 190 908,80
    21.11.2018 191 341,75 0,00 191 341,75
    22.11.2018 191 395,27 0,00 191 395,27
    23.11.2018 192 397,86 0,00 192 397,86
    26.11.2018 190 607,83 0,00 190 607,83
    27.11.2018 192 066,50 0,00 192 066,50
    28.11.2018 190 019,75 0,00 190 019,75
    29.11.2018 190 698,43 0,00 190 698,43
    30.11.2018 192 153,45 0,00 192 153,45

    Historical data are available in the file nierezydenci.xls
    Last update - 31.12.2018


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