Letters of issue - T-bills and T-bonds

    Letters of issue - T-bills and T-bonds

    Detailed conditions of a particular TS issue i.e.: maturity date, type of coupon, maximum value of the issue and its currency are determined in the Letters of Issue published by the Minister of Finance.
    Announcement of the Letter of Issue to the public on the Ministry of Finance Internet web site constitutes the condition under which the issue is effective.
    The application allows to search Letters of Issue of TS.
    How to search?
    Search by ISIN code:
    1) fill in the "ISIN" field (PL0000XXXXXX);
    2) click "Search"
    Search by instrument type:
    1) select "Security",
    2) additionaly select "Series" - to narrow search results,
    3) click "Search"

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